President's Report in 2009

Title President's Report in 2009
Date 2009-11-03
File 2008-09 Annual Report CPGIS.pdf

Dear fellow CPGISers and BOD,

It is my pleasure to submit CPGIS 2008-09 Annual Report and Financial Report below and in the email attchment. I have attached two documents, one is the Annual Report and Financial Report itself and the other is an appendix document including the related committee reports to provide supplementary information to my report.

It has been my pleasure and greatest privilege to serve as CPGIS President during the past 11 – 12 months. I was blessed with an opportunity working with a wonderful management team. My sincerely appreciation also goes to CPGIS members and friends for your support and trust!

The annual report was produced based on a number of committee reports as well as the many CPGIS documents available for the past management term. However, all the errors and omissions are mine. Please send all corrections to me should you see any.

On behalf of 2008-09 management team, I now pass the flag to Aijun Chen.  Aijun, we are fully confident that you will carry CPGIS flag higher and farther!

I here announce that CPGIS 2008-09 Management Team is officially dismissed. Thank you all for your hard work !!!

Best regards,

Yongmei Lu
