2017 CPGIS Awards

Title 2017 CPGIS Awards
Date 2017-08-17

The 25th International Conference on GeoInformatics (GeoInformatics 2017), organized by the CPGIS, was held in Buffalo, NY, USA (August 2–4, 2017). Below is the list of CPGIS awards andf student paper competition winners.

The List of 2017 CPGIS Awards

CPGIS Life-Time Achievement Award

Anthony Gar-On Yeh, Chair Professor and Chan To-Haan Professor in Urban Planning and Design Department of Urban Planning and Design Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong.


CPGIS Distinguished Scholar Award

Mei-Po Kwan, Professor, Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


CPGIS Education Excellence Awards

Jay Lee, Professor of Geography, Kent State University, and 

A-Xing Zhu, Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison.


2017 Picture Location Identification Competition Recipients

First-Place: Xiang Ye (University at Buffalo)

Second-Place: Song Gao (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Third-Place: Wei Luo (Northern Illinois University)

2017 Student Paper Competition Winners


First-Place: Xiao Huang (University of South Carolina)

A near real-time flood mapping approach by integrating post-event satellite imagery and flood-related tweets


Second-Place: Dameng Yin (SUNY Buffalo)

Individual mangrove crown delineation using UAV-LiDAR data



Ruiting Zhai (University of Connecticut)

Predicting land cover change in Long Island Sound Watersheds and its effect on invasive species: A case study for glossy buckthorn


Mingjie Song (Queen's University)

A comparison of three heuristic optimization algorithms for solving the multi-objective land allocation problem


Travel Awards: 

Yao Feng (Queen’s University)

Ying Jin (Huazhong Agricultural University)

Zhanghua Li (Tsinghua University)

Jianjun Xia (Tsinghua University)

Meifang Li (Sun Yat-Sen University)
