CPGIS 2022 Annual Conference No.1 Announcement

Title CPGIS 2022 Annual Conference No.1 Announcement
Date 2022-02-13
File CPGIS 2022_Full Paper.dotx


The 29th International Conference on Geoinformatics in 2022 and the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of CPGIS

(No. 1)


GISciences for Coordinated Urban-Rural Development


August 15-18, 2022

Beijing, China

Conference Website: https://www.cpgis.org/


1.    Introduction

The GeoInformatics Conference series was initiated by the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS) in 1992 and has held twenty-eight annual international conferences on geographic informatics all over the world. This international conference series has provided a unique forum for exchanging novel ideas and cutting-edge knowledge on geographic information sciences and technologies among GIScience professionals worldwide. GeoInformatics 2022 (the 29th CPGIS Annual Conference and the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of CPGIS) will be held on Augusts 15-18, 2022 at the China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China. The primary theme of this year’s conference is “GISciences for Coordinated Urban-Rural Development”. Addressing the challenges and opportunities of coordinated Urban-Rural high-quality development we face in recent years, Geoinformatics 2022 particularly encourages topics related to how geographic information sciences and technologies respond to Urban-Rural development. Other presentations regarding cutting-edge research on or related to broadly-defined geographic information sciences, technologies, and applications, are also welcome, as always. The conference will include thematic presentations, group discussions, paper competitions, special forums, etc. All the accepted papers will be officially published as conference proceedings (EI retrieval). The conference will also organize academic special journals to recommend excellent papers to be published in SCI or SSCI retrieved journals after peer-review process.

2.    Invited keynote speakers

·        Qiuming Cheng (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, The China University of GeosciencesBeijing

·        Stewart Fotheringham (Academician of the American Academy of Sciences, Arizona State University)

·        Michael F. Goodchild (Academician of the American Academy of Sciences, University of California Santa Barbara)

·        Peng Gong (Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, The University of Hong Kong)

·        Renzhong Guo (Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Shenzhen University

·        Mei-Po Kwan (Academician of the British Academy of Social Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

·        Nina Lam (American Association of Geographers Fellow, Louisiana State University)

·        Paul Longley (Professor of Geographic Information Science, University College London

·        Douglas Richardson (Former Executive Director of the American Association of Geographers, Harvard University)

·        Junyi Zhang (Foreign academician of Japanese Academy of Engineering, Hiroshima University

·        Chenghu Zhou (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS

(Note: the list will be updated continuously)

3.    Schedule

l Conference Registration: August 15th, 2022

l Keynote speech, special session and thesis competition: August 16th, 2022

l Keynote speech and special session: August 17th, 2022

l Keynote speech: August 18th, 2022

4.    Address

Beijing, China

5.    Organizers

l  The International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS)

l  China University of Geosciences, Beijing

6.    Co-Organizersundetermined

l  Resources Big Data Branch, China Society of Natural Resources

l  Working Committee on Geographical Big Data of Geographical Society of China

7.    Local Organizers

l  School of information engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

8.    Conference Language

English is the presenting language of the conference.

9.    Supporting journals

l  Annals of GIS


l  Computational Urban Science


l  Geo-Spatial Information Science


l  Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis


l  Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science


l  Chinese Geographical Science


10.          Important dates

l  Proposal for organizing oral sessions due: February 10th, 2022

l  Submission (extended abstract OR full paper) due: March 20th, 2022.

l  Notification of acceptance of submission for presentation (oral or poster): April 15th, 2022

l  Notification of acceptance of full paper to be included in the conference proceedings: April 30th, 2022

11.          Contact Information

l  For conference registration, transportation, and lodging, please keep an eye on the updated conference website

l  For business exhibition: Zhenhua Wang, wangzh@cugb.edu.cn, 18510800885

l  For session proposal submission: Song Gao (song.gao@wisc.edu) and Xinqi Zheng (zhengxq@cugb.edu.cn)

l  Conference contact: Jiao Wang 150 0125 7804; Teng Long 18810955906


1.  年会简介

国际华人地理信息科学协会 (CPGIS) 1992年创立以来,已经在全世界各地连续举办了28届地理信息学国际年会 (International Conference on Geoinformatics),为来自全球地理信息科学与技术领域的专家学者、学生、行业从业者提供了一个新思想和前沿知识技术的宝贵交流平台。2022815-18日,第29届国际地理信息学大会暨CPGIS成立30周年年会将在中国北京召开。本次国际会议的主题是 "地理信息科技赋能城乡协同发展 (GISciences for Coordinated Urban-Rural Development)", 会议欢迎各界人士参加,交流地理信息科技领域的新思想、新方法、新技术、新解决方案等各种议题,并重点讨论地理信息科学和技术如何应对城乡协调发展、高质量发展的挑战和机遇。本次会议将包括主题报告、分组研讨、论文竞赛、特殊论坛等活动。所有被录用的文章将编纂为会议论文集(EI检索)正式出版,会议还将组织学术专刊,推荐优秀文章经评审后发表在SCISSCI检索的期刊。

2.  特邀主题发言人

      Stewart Fotheringham (美国科学院院士,亚利桑那州立大学)

Michael F. Goodchild (美国科学院院士,加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校)


关美宝 Mei-Po Kwan (英国社会科学院院士, 香港中文大学)

林绍颜 Nina Lam (美国地理学会会士, 路易斯安那州立大学)

       Paul Longley (英国伦敦大学学院)

Douglas Richardson (美国地理学会前秘书长,哈佛大学)




3.  年会议程(暂定)






4.  年会地点

中国 北京

5.  会议主办单位



6.  协办单位(待定)



7.  承办单位


8.  会议语言


9.  支持期刊

Ø  Annals of GIS


Ø  Computational Urban Science


Ø  Geo-Spatial Information Science


Ø  Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis


Ø  测绘学报英文版


Ø  中国地理科学英文版


10.       重要日期





11.       会务联系信息


商业展览:王振华,wangzh@cugb.edu.cn, 18510800885

分会场提议与会议建议:CPGIS 主席:高松(邮箱:song.gao@wisc.edu


会议联系人:王娇 150 0125 7804; 龙腾 18810955906




2022年 中国 北京 期待您的到来
