2018 CPGIS Annual Conference
June 28-30, 2018, Kunming, Yunnan, China
Conference Theme: (Geoinformatics for better life)
Ø International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS)
Ø School of Information Science and Technology, Yunnan Normal University (Kunming, China)
Ø School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University (Wuhan, China)
Ø Beijing PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd
Ø KQ GEO Technologies Co., Lt
Conference Topics:
We welcome traditional topics in GIS Science and also encourage papers on new and emergent themes including but not limit to:
l Smart City
l Sensor network for GIS
l Spatiotemporal Data Analysis
l Big Data
l Internet of Things for GIS
l Urban GIS and application
l Environment GIS and application
l Geospatial cloud computing
l Geospatial data sharing and interoperability
l Multi-dimensional spatial data modeling
l VGI and Crowdsourcing
l Remote sensing sciences and applications
To address societal issues, such as climate change, precision medicine, urban mobility, crime analysis, migration, disaster, and environmental sustainability. These include, but not limited to, population, urban development, and environment. Papers from a wide range of disciplines related to Geographic Information Sciences are invited, including: Geography, Cognitive science, Computer science, Engineering, Information science, Social science, Urban Planning, among many others.
Important dates:
l Abstract due: April 10, 2018
l Notice of acceptance of abstract: April 5, 2018
l Full paper due: April 20, 2018
l Notice of acceptance of full paper: April 30, 2018
l Early Bird registration ends: April 30, 2018
l Last day to book hotel rooms: June 10, 2018
Registration Fees:
Table 1. Registration fee in US$ or RMB
Early registration
Regular registration
CPGIS member
Non-CPGIS member
CPGIS student member
Non-CPGIS student member
Note that the registration fee does not include the publication fee.
Table 2. Best Student Paper Award
First-Place Award
Second-Place Award
Two Third-Place Awards
Best Student Paper Competition
$150 each
Registration Refund Policy:
If participants cannot attend the conference due to a rejected visa application or other uncontrollable causes, the registration fee is partially refundable, excluding the credit card processing fee and the paper review costs.
If you are not able to attend due to personal reasons, the registration fee is not refundable.
Registration Invitation Letter:
If you need the invitation letter, please e-mail CPGIS2018@163.com the following: 1) your Date of Birth, 2) your Passport Number, 3) your detailed workplace address, and 4) the digital receipt showing that you have successfully paid for the registration fee.
Submission and Acceptance:
Authors can choose to submit either an extended abstract or a full paper (but not both). Authors of accepted extended abstract or full paper will be invited to give oral (or poster) presentations at the conference. Acceptance priority will be given to submissions with concrete research results. Publications include the following:
1. CD-ROM publication:
All accepted extended abstracts and full papers will be published in the CD-ROM format and distributed to all participants of the Conference.
2. Conference proceedings by IEEE:
Selected full papers from those presented at the conference will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by IEEE. There is a publication fee of $200, which is separate from the conference registration fee, to cover the cost in managing, reviewing, and compiling the submissions for the proceedings.
3. Special issue in peer-reviewed journals:
Selected papers in specific topics will also be published as special issues in peer-reviewed journals.
Instructions to Authors
Ø Please download the instructions to authors, template for extended abstract, template for full paper, and example of full paper for your reference.
Ø Please carefully read the instructions as follows:
1. The length of an extended abstract is 800 – 1000 words in English. It is basically a shortened full paper and contains all major information about the research, particularly the objective, methodology, results, and conclusion. Please use the template of extended abstract to prepare your submission of this type. The deadline of submission is April 4, 2018.
2. For full papers, please submit the abstract of the full paper first, using the same format of an extended abstract. Once the abstract is accepted, the author(s) will be invited to submit the full paper. A full paper must strictly follow the format requirements of IEEE. Please use the template of full paper or the example of full paper to prepare the full paper submission. The length of a full paper is 4-6 pages. It is also highly recommended that the paper be proofread by an experienced English editor. Papers that do not meet the format and language requirements will not be further reviewed for content. The deadline of submission is April 10, 2018.
3. If the authors whose papers have been selected for the IEEE proceedings are not able to attend the Conference, they must notify the Chair of the CPGIS Conference Committee, Professor Kun Yang CPGIS2018@163.com 4 weeks before the Conference. The authors who fail to do so will face the consequence of their papers being withdrawn from the proceedings, and the publication fee will NOT be refunded.
For more information about Conference, Please click on the link below:
Contact Information:
- Yi Luo (lysist@ynnu.edu.cn)
- Yang Yang (yyang_ynu@163.com)
2018 CPGIS Annual Conference Local Website