The Annals of GIS Best Paper Awards Presentation
Co-Sponsored by CPGIS, China Data Institute and Future Data Lab
11:00AM-1:00PM, Thursday, December 10, 2020, US Eastern Time
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Chair: Prof. A-Xin Zhu, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Editor-in-Chief, Annals of GIS
Welcome Speech: Prof. Hui Lin, Honorary Editor-in-Chief, Annals of GIS
Introduction: Prof. Cuizhen Wang, University of South Carolina; President-elect of CPGIS
1. Automatic data matching for geospatial models: a new paradigm for geospatial data and models sharing,
Yunqiang Zhu & Jie Yang
2. Spatial homogeneity and heterogeneity of energy poverty: a neglected dimension
Bardia Mashhoodi, Dominic Stead & Arjan van Timmeren
3. Fuzzy inference approach in traffic congestion detection
Maja Kalinic & Jukka M. Krisp
Closing Remarks: Dr. Shuming Bao, China Data Institute
About Annals of GIS:
Published by Taylor & Francis Group, Annals of GIS is a peer review journal that publishes interdisciplinary research on theory, methods, development and applications in geo-information science. Annals of GIS accepts submissions on the following topics and their applications in natural resource, ecosystem, urban management, and other humanities and social science areas: Remote sensing and data acquisition; Geographic Information Systems; Geo-visualization and virtual geographic environments (VGE); Spatial analysis and modeling; and Uncertainty modelling.