Call for 2022 CPGIS Innovation Award Nomination


CPGIS Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship Committee (TTEC) aims to promote technological innovations and strengthen the synergy among research, education, and the industry. To encourage CPGIS members to develop innovative and transferable technology in GIScience, the committee proposes the annual CPGIS Innovation Award, endorsed by Dr. Chuang (Vincent) Tao.

The final awardee will be presented with a monetary award of 2,000 USD or equivalent. The award is supposed to recognize one individual per year. In the circumstance of tie, the total monetary award of 2,000 USD will be split and shared by all final awardees.

(1)   This award seeks to recognize CPGIS members for their innovative research and technological contributions to the GIScience community. All current CPGIS members are eligible to apply.

(2)   The award in recognition is offered to one individual per year.

(3)   The innovative technology may include outstanding research works, patents, software, products and technology development, recognized by peers, publication(s), patents and/or a series of works that demonstrate the technology excellence and transfer in the industry.

(4)   The CPGIS Board of Directors reserves the right to the final explanation and modification of this award.



To nominate a candidate (must be a CPGIS member), please submit the following information to the CPGIS Award Committee Chair. Self-nomination is acceptable.

i. A nomination letter containing the nominee's contact and affiliation, a summary of the nominee's qualification, and a justification of the nominee's contributions (three pages or less).

ii. A copy of the nominee's CV.

iii. A copy of the certificate for software or technology patent(s), or a link to the open-source repository associated with the nominee's innovative product(s). 

iv. 1~2 reference letters from its user community, or industry partners, are required.

Please merge these documents into a single PDF file, and rename it


To nominate an award, please submit the materials to Professor Yu Liu (, Chair, CPGIS Award Committee, by July 15th, 2022.