The 24th International Conference on Geoinformatics,Galway, Ireland
Address:National University of Ireland

Traveling to Galway

Ireland is easily accessible by both air and sea. Two of Ireland’s primary Airports Shannon & Dublin are within easy access of Galway.

Shannon Airport:

Dublin Airport:


Traveling to Galway from Dublin Aiport

Galway is situated on the West Coast of Ireland and may be easily reached by air, ferry, train, bus or car or a combination of these. To help you find the best access route to suit you, please see the following site for further information:

Dublin Airport - Galway bus time table:

City Link:

Go Bus:

By Bus:
        Bus Eireann has a direct coach service from Shannon Airport and Dublin Airport to Galway. Visit for more information.Travel time is approximately 1 hour 50 minutes from Shannon Airport and 2 hours 30 minutes from Dublin Airport. From Dublin Airport, Gobus and Citylink offer comfortably hourly services – see and

By Rail:
        Irish Rail is Ireland’s national train company and serves a direct train to Galway from Dublin City and Limerick City. Please visit for more information. Travel time by rail is approximately 2 hours from Limerick and 2 hours 30 minutes from Dublin Airport. Both Airports have buses that travel to the Train Stations.


General Travel Information

Travelling from the EU
        If you’re visiting from the United Kingdom or another EU country, use the blue channel after you reclaim your baggage. Customs officers monitor this area and may operate checks. If you have something to declare to Customs, you should go to the red point.

Travelling from outside the EU
         If you're arriving in Ireland from outside the EU, you'll need to clear customs. Use the green channel if you have nothing to declare. This means that you are not carrying more than the entitled allowances. Use the red channel if you need to declare goods above the duty and tax-free allowance. If in doubt, always use the red channel!