The 31st International Conference on Geoinformatics, Toronto, Canada

The International Conference on Geoinformatics is an official conference of the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS) and has attracted not only the CPGIS community members but also researchers, professionals and students from broad communities. The conference is organized annually at different cities across the world and it was last held in Toronto in 2005. As the organizers of the conference, we welcome participants to Toronto again in 2024 for another successful event!

The main theme of the proposed conference is “Geospatial Sciences for Sustainability”. Under this theme, the objective of the conference is to offer an engaging platform for networking and exchanging new ideas and cutting-edge knowledge among diverse GIScience professionals worldwide, and for promoting collaboration in geospatial science and sustainability. In order to support the objective, sessions will be organized under a number of streams that include but are not limited to:

GIScience for smart and sustainable cities
Geospatial studies in food insecurity, malnutrition, and agriculture
GIS and remote sensing for monitoring environmental and climate change
GIS and remote sensing in watershed management
GIS and remote sensing for monitoring greenhouse gas emission
Geospatial technology for public health and disease management
Geospatial information for climate action
Geospatial information for regional and global water cycles
Geospatial information for regional and global carbon cycles
Sustainable natural resource management across space
Geo-humanities and spatial inequality analysis
Big earth data in support of disaster assessment and management
Geospatial information sharing
Geospatial big data and GeoAI
Digital twins of the Earth and urban environments
Ground-based sensing networks
Advanced GIScience theory and method developments
Geoinformatics and education

The conference program will consist of 2-3 parallel sessions depending on the number of accepted presentations, in the form of either oral presentation or poster presentation. A variety of venues will be arranged to publish conference contributions, e.g., special journal issues, proceedings, and edited books.

A variety of venues will be arranged to publish conference contributions, e.g., special journal issues, proceedings, and edited books.

Important Dates

Abstract submission: February 7, 2024
Abstract acceptance: March 1, 2024
Early-bird registration: April 15, 2024
Presenter Registration: June 1, 2024
Optional full paper: July 15, 2024

Conference Co-organizers