Spatial Analysis of Religion with Spatial Religion Explorer
Title:  Spatial Analysis of Religion with Spatial Religion Explorer
Author: Bao  Shuming
co-Authors:  Changzhen Wang
Organization:  University of Michigan
Personal profile:  Login required for author information!
Conference presentation:  The 21st International Conference on Geoinformatics, Kaifeng, China
Abstract:  Scholars, policy makers, and journalists are requesting comprehensive information about the geographic locations, religious services, and socio-economic environments of Chinese religions. As an effort to promote spatial study of religions and society, this paper will introduce a spatial explorer of religion based on the registered religious sites, population census and economic census data of China. This paper will discuss the information structure, methodology, and technology for the spatial study of religion. It will demonstrate how space-time data of different formats and sources can be integrated, visualized, and reported in a web based system for religious studies. Some case studies for Chinese religions and future directions will be discussed.
Full-text paper link:  CPGIS2014_Paper_BAO.pdf