Compactness Measures and an Integrated GIS Tool for Urban Compactness Measurement
Title:  Compactness Measures and an Integrated GIS Tool for Urban Compactness Measurement
Author: Chen  Min
co-Authors:  Liu Suxia
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Conference presentation:  The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, Shanghai, China
Abstract:  Compact City is one of urban sustainable development conceptions in many countries, and urban compactness is often used as an important indicator for evaluating the degree of compact city. This paper discusses the connotation of compact city and the concept of urban compactness, lists three single indicator measuring methods for computing the compactness, and presents a comprehensive measurement model of urban compactness which incorporates seven facets of road network characteristics, population density, accessibility, residential density, land use, economy and urban transport. It also presents the calculated formula of Comprehensive Compactness Index(CCI), which figures out the composite compactness. The authors develop an integrated GIS tool, Compactness, for calculating the compactness of one city, built as an extension to the desktop GIS software package, ARCMAP. The model of NanGuang City is simulated according to the actual geographical data of NanChang. Finally, the paper analyses and looks into the measuring methods of urban compactness and the designed software package.
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