Developing Space Syntax Tools for Free and Open Source Software for GIS
Title:  Developing Space Syntax Tools for Free and Open Source Software for GIS
Author: Beyhan  Burak
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Conference presentation:  The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, Shanghai, China
Abstract:  The aim of this paper is to reveal the potential of Free and Open Source Software for GIS (FOSS4GIS) in Space Syntax (SS) analysis. For this purpose, firstly the existing software exclusively developed for SS are reviewed in order to unveil both their modalities to produce the key measures of SS and illustrate the lack of their cooperation with GIS and Social Network Analysis (SNA) software. After discussing basic SS parameters, several FOSS4GIS are examined in order to divulge their potential for the extraction of adjusted graphs and calculation of basic SS parameters by presenting the core algorithm behind the plugins created employing the scripting facilities in the respective software programs. This paper exposes that there are rich avenues for future research in the field of analysis of social networks and spatial configurations if the potential of FOSS4GIS and the graph theoretical background of SNA and SS are properly utilized.
Full-text paper link:  PID1773995.pdf