A Web Services based integrative Platform for Marine Information in South China Sea
Title:  A Web Services based integrative Platform for Marine Information in South China Sea
Author: yawen  he
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Conference presentation:  The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, Shanghai, China
Abstract:  This paper proposed a solution to enable users to easily access marine environment data, run forecasting and evaluating models online, and visualize both data and models output. And a web services based integrated platform (a web portal) was developed to provide online visualization and analysis of marine environment data and ocean model simulation in South China Sea. This portal serves four primary functions: 1) Integrate in-situ and satellite observation data and model output from distributed sources based on web services. 2) Produce value-added products by combing multiple data sources. 3) Supply various methods to access and visualize the data and model output. 4) Provide on-demand modeling capability for users to configure his/her own ocean model and finally retrieve and visualize the model output. In this paper, we will present the infrastructure of the web portal, the architecture of the four servers and its underlined technologies. We will also discuss some example applications in the web portal.
Full-text paper link:  A Web Services based integrative Platform for Marine Information in South China Sea.pdf